I’m amazed when I stop and think about how many “assistive devices” I now have in my life. I’m not talking about canes, crutches, or walkers (although I own all of those and have used then on occasion ...
No wonder it takes up so much real estate in our brains. It’s like some sort of screwed up game show where the stakes are ...
Essentially, he was asking what makes RA different from the type of arthritis that you usually hear about: osteoarthritis.
Arthritis is a health condition where you experience stiffness, inflammation, and discomfort in 1 or more joints. 1 The condition affects people of different age groups, including children and ...
The cervical spine is that portion of the spine that runs from the shoulder to the base of the head. There are seven vertebrae and several joints contained in the cervical spine. The joint between the ...
One must always be careful to not automatically attribute any new medical symptom with RA. There are, however, many comorbid (occurs alongside) conditions with an autoimmune disease like RA. These can ...
Scientists called epidemiologists study patterns of how diseases affect groups of people. For instance, epidemiologists are often called in to find out why an outbreak of a viral infection happens in ...
Has anyone ever said to you, “Well, if you have to have Rheumatoid Arthritis, now is the best time to have it”? If you have heard this while experiencing a flare or shortly after your diagnosis, you ...
About fifteen years ago my juvenile rheumatoid arthritis was raging and my body was rejecting every medicine I tried. I was in a bad spot and pretty desperate to find something, anything that would ...
I had really been looking forward to saying (shouting?) goodbye to 2018. Why? 2018 was a tough year, especially regarding my health. And don't all things in life ultimately stem from one's health? I ...