Shared reading starting in infancy is a key parenting practice that promotes not only literacy but also nurturing ...
South Korea faces a demographic shift as nearly 20% of its population is now aged 65 or older, raising concerns over economic ...
South Korea, Japan, and China join forces for a plastic-free future, aiming to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable ...
India has reaffirmed its commitment to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) at the 79th United Nations General Assembly ...
Experts emphasize the need for India to invest in contraceptive spacing to improve women's health, reduce maternal mortality, ...
While males are generally more susceptible to heart disease than females, heart issues are now becoming increasingly common ...
Gut stem cell-derived organoids have uncovered two molecular subtypes of Crohn’s disease, offering hope for personalized ...
Heart attacks and strokes claim 3.9 million lives yearly in South-East Asia, highlighting the region's urgent need for better ...
A review by scientists highlights cutting-edge engineering innovations in developing sensors and devices for personalized ...
No effective treatment exists for acute kidney injury (AKI), making it vital to understand the mechanisms that can halt its ...
Prof. Patrik Verstreken's research team identified a gene mutation in SGIP1 tied to early-onset Parkinsonism — discovered in ...
India's orthopedic crisis is on the rise, fueling increased demand for advanced medical devices to improve patient outcomes ...