In an interview with Canadian journalist Arpon Basu, former NHL draft pick and Slovak hockey player Juraj Slafkovský shared ...
Rudolf Huliak, a former close associate of Andrej Danko, has sparked a crisis in the coalition's councils. He sees the ...
The Slovak police have brought 35 charges for approving the assassination of Prime Minister Robert Fico. Interior Minister ...
Parliament finally approves the consolidation package. 79 coalition MPs voted in favour of the law. None of the amendments were passed by the opposition.
In its latest decision on the detention of Juraj Cintula, who is accused of attempting to assassinate Prime Minister Robert Fico, the Supreme Court disputes that the act was terroristic. Foto: ...
Slovak soldiers from the Air Force and Special Operations Forces managed to evacuate nearly 100 citizens from 12 countries from Beirut, Lebanon. The four flights were sent by the Ministry of Foreign ...
Minister zdravotníctva Kamil Šaško (Hlas-SD) zatiaľ Lekárskemu odborovému združeniu (LOZ) nepredstavil žiadne návrhy ...
Minister zdravotníctva Kamil Šaško (Hlas-SD) zatiaľ Lekárskemu odborovému združeniu (LOZ) nepredstavil žiadne návrhy ...
Štadión na bratislavskom Tehelnom poli "v novom šate". Podľa informácií ta3 chce byť ŠK Slovan Bratislava na sto percent ...
Slovenská futbalová reprezentácia nastúpila na pondelkový zápas 1. skupiny C-divízie Ligy národov v Azerbajdžane s jednou ...
Juraj Slafkovský reagoval v zámorí na odpoveď od vedenia nášho hokeja na jeho kritiku fungovania zväzu. Pre The Athletic sa ...