Information about tutoring, transcripts, academic calendar, courses, libraries, advising and testing center. Eugene McDermott Library provides access to relevant, authoritative and scholarly resources ...
Researching the general areas of computer vision and pattern theory, especially biomedical applications. People can recognize the same or similar shapes in any circumstance, and they have a good ...
Department Head for Chemistry and Biochemistry conducts research that encompasses the synthesis and characterization of novel polymeric materials for applications in organic electronics and medicine.
Department Head of Biological Sciences studies antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. Helps students conduct experiments under the auspices of the Tiny Earth Initiative, which assigns them the ...
Director of Data Communication and Data Management Laboratory studies big data management and analysis, social networks, database systems, wireless sensor networks, data mining, spatial data mining, ...
Research interests include visual perception, memory and cognition. Compared the performance of computational models of face recognition to the characteristics of human performance on similar tasks.
Research focuses on language development and caregiver-child interaction in autistic children and bilingual children using observational and eye-tracking methods. She hopes her work will help identify ...
Studies the neurocognitive basis of language and social cognition across typical and atypical development, including in autism, with a focus on the role of cerebro-cerebellar circuits. To do this, ...
Directs the experimenta.l. lab, a collaborative space for creative research and critical practices in animation involving students, faculty and external collaborators. She encourages experimentation ...
Seeks to understand how state and local governments manage fiscal risk and navigate organizational, economic and political environments to achieve longer-term fiscal health while also maintaining ...
Research examines how social and cognitive processes shape interpersonal experiences and how these experiences then impact relationship dynamics and health. She is particularly interested in the ...
Seeks to understand what motivates people, how this impacts the choices they make and how these things change across the adult life span. Examples of her work include examining how skewed ...