For so long, brands have been on a side-quest to grab the attention of the gaming audience. As PlayStation begins it's 30th ...
We're all born with childlike creativity, with abundant imaginations and the ability to embrace wonder. But, asks Florence ...
Epoch Films’ award-winning roster of directors will now be represented in the UK and Europe by top London Production house ...
The award-winning director/photographer joins for both live-action and live-action/print combo projects, kicking off with a ...
The alliance between Rocket Science Music and Grand Central underscores a shared commitment to pushing the boundaries of ...
Jeffrey’s work ranges from fun and energetic to dark and unhinged, captivating audiences and making him a highly in-demand ...
Los Angeles-based Rakish, the production company co-founded and led by managing director Preston Garrett and Golden ...
From Spielberg's E.T. to Steve Rogers' Cadburys ad, TV and commercial director Pete Riski, repped by Wild Gift, talks us ...
You can be inspired by many things; poetry, art, the glint of sunlight off a crystal clear lake or, in this instance, the ...
The tabletop specialists, comprising of the husband-and-wife team of director/dp Gene Dubin and director/art director Alisa ...
Park Pictures now represents director Rachel Morrison for commercial filmmaking.
The award-winning director, screenwriter, and cinematographer joins for representation in Australia and New Zealand.