After months of planning and construction our campus is now better than ever, a new pâtisserie demonstration theatre and ...
For this demonstration, Chef Piotr will focus on using rare varieties of grains and pseudo cereals, milling them into ...
The trip was organised to allow Matthieu to connect with alumni from the States and to meet some of the exceptional ...
We offer a range of cuisine and patisserie programs here at Le Cordon Bleu Australia. With the perfect blend of practical and theory-based training we provide you with the opportunity to build your ...
Le Cordon Bleu es una red de renombre mundial de instituciones de enseñanza dedicado a proveer el más alto nivel de la enseñanza culinaria y de hostelería a través de programas de clase mundial. Le ...
Fundada em Paris em 1895, Le Cordon Bleu é hoje considerada a maior rede de escolas de culinária e hospitalidade do mundo com 35 institutos em 20 países e 20 mil alunos de mais de 100 nacionalidades ...
On October 2nd 2024, a tempting new treasure trove of recipes for chocolate lovers is set to hit the shelves: L'École du Chocolat from Le Cordon Bleu, published by Editions Larousse. The book promises ...
20名以上のル・コルドン・ブルー卒業生がノミネート。 名誉ある称号受賞者を輩出 Premios Somosによる美食の祭典は、今年が2回目。“Somos” 誌を介した今回の投票者数は、5万1千人に上りまし ...
With Le Cordon Bleu Australia’s internationally-recognised business degrees, graduates can confidently pursue leadership careers anywhere in the world. Choose from a range of majors and minors and ...
This program was designed to meet the growing demand from the professional world of culinary arts to be able to offer its customers predominantly plant-based menus, with mastery of the techniques and ...
Explore o fascinante mundo das massas artesanais coloridas e estampadas neste exclusivo Gourmet Short Course! Sob a orientação dos nossos chefs, os alunos serão guiados através de todas as técnicas ...
โรงเรียนสอนการประกอบอาหาร เลอ กอร์ดอง เบลอ ดุสิต นำเสนอหลักสูตรด้านการประกอบอาหาร ที่หลาก ...