ISS and Airbus revolutionize Earth observation with the Bartolomeo platform, delivering advanced environmental insights.
Explore how the brain links pronouns to the right nouns, with new insights into memory, language, and the hippocampus's role ...
Discover the 3,600-year-old origins of kefir as scientists analyze DNA from ancient cheese, revealing insights into probiotic ...
Genetic rescue may save Lassen red foxes by boosting their genetics and diversity. Inbreeding caused their decline.
Researchers uncover the secrets of the sea surface microlayer and its impact on nutrient exchange, pollution, and climate ...
Hubble uncovers how a black hole’s jet in M87 triggers stellar eruptions, revealing new insights into black hole jets and ...
Scientists discover a sunken seafloor deep in Earth’s mantle, unlocking new insights into the planet’s ancient history.
Melting Arctic permafrost is sparking more wildfires. These fires release gases that trap heat, causing a climate disaster.
Ant queens devour sick larvae through cannibalism to prevent disease spread. This process increases egg production by 55%.
The study shows that interacting with dogs boosts children's oxytocin levels, leading to better mental health and social ...
Scientists discovered a "pause button" in human development, transforming reproductive technology advancements.
For the first time in 80,000 years, the comet C/2023 A3 - also known as Tsuchinshan-ATLAS - is making its grand return to our ...