This proactive move by Betrimex comes just over a month after the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development ...
Frutura, a leading global sales and marketing platform in premium fruit, announced that Peru-based Agrícola Don Ricardo (ADR) ...
Chilean fruit exports to India totaled $163 million in 2023, according to ProChile. This represents 3% of the country’s ...
The new Degree of Certainty (DOC) tool, designed to measure and visualize the reliability of blueberry exports and import ...
The avocado, renowned for its rich flavor and exceptional nutritional profile, has become one of the most coveted fruits ...
Iván Marambio, president of Fruits of Chile, said that, so far, the sector does not foresee problems with the transportation ...
These agreements guarantee significant improvements for our workforce while ensuring the company's long-term stability and ...
For retailers, crownless pineapples significantly reduce carbon emissions, as up to 30% more pineapples can be transported as ...
Thanks to the agreement, nurseries and fruit growers in Mexico, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East can now ...
The varieties ‘Awadh Samridhi’ and ‘Awadh Madhurima’ are currently undergoing field trials, and one of them, ‘Awadh Samridhi, ...
Chiquita, in partnership with KeyGene, MusaRadix, and Wageningen University and Research (WUR), is proud to announce the ...
Representative from the phytosanitary certification sub-department of SAG, Jaime Álvarez, outlined the details of the program ...