Tis the season for things to be something other than what they appear to be, apparently. Lenders are talking about new loan ...
Because we created the industry's first daily mortgage rate index based on actual lender rate sheets without any subjective ...
We publish daily coverage of mortgage rate movement and have done so for nearly 20 years now.  It's a great place to quickly ...
Mortgage rates rose modestly last week after hitting long term lows before the Fed announced its 0.50% rate cut.  In not so ...
Finally Cooling Off Just in Time to Heat Up Again Much of the past week has been spent monitoring the "post-Fed ...
Just a few months ago, the big ticket inflation reports were just as relevant as the jobs report in terms of their ability to ...
Early Weakness Erased After Labor Market Warning Signs The first few hours of domestic trading caused some concern that the ...
The Federal Reserve is far from the only game in town when it comes to exerting influence on interest rates.  That's a loaded ...
Does it give you a sense of permanency if you think about how you’re looking at the same moon as pirates did 300-400 years ...
Post Fed Correction Leveling Off? Based on the weakness in the bond market this morning, it looked as if the post-Fed ...
Mortgage rates have fallen nearly 2% from last year's peak.  Much of that decrease can be viewed as the normal phenomenon of ...
But It's Still All About Data The bond market is still searching for its identity in the wake of last week's Fed announcement ...