How is the California workers' comp industry weathering the economic changes? What do the numbers tell us about overall costs ...
What must an employer do if a fight between employees results in injury? A recent appeals court decision addresses this and other Fair Employment and Housing Act obligations.
Another alleged scheme of kickbacks and questionable billings in Orange County to workers' comp carriers is taken down. Who was charged, and what companies allegedly participated in the fraud?
Can an insurance carrier force an insured – a staffing company in this case - to arbitration in another state for a collateral dispute in a large deductible program? A pending appeal before the ...
What are biologic medicines and biosimilar drugs? An industry panel is looking to control costs in this emerging area before they get out of hand. What's their solution?
The fight over AB 5 and the ABC test's application to app-based ride-sharing and delivery services is heading back to state courts. What were the cases that SCOTUS refused to take up?
An audit premium dispute is heading back down to the trial court level where the employer will get a second chance to plead his case. What is the other damning claim the court will have to address?
California's average weekly wage increased, so workers' comp benefits paid by employers are also increasing. How big is the increase, and when will it take effect? Find out right here right now.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal issued this opinion upholding Sam Solakyan’s fraud conviction, but questioning the amount of restitution owed. Get the opinion by clicking here.
The Fourth District issued this opinion dealing with third-party liability and the Privette doctrine. Get a copy of the opinion by clicking here.
The Fourth District issued this opinion interpreting the Fair Employment and Housing Act and its interaction with industrial disability retirement. Click here for the opinion.