Welcome to Tokyo, the adrenalin-fuelled capital of Japan. Here's everything to see, eat and do in the bustling city.
Sydney residents, thrilled to get the chance to try Crumbl's TikTok-famous treats, waited in preposterously long lines only to end up with stale cookies and a whole lot of dissapointment. Here's what ...
You’re due to fold those social-butterfly wings back in as exploratory Jupiter shifts into its yearly retrograde today. You’ve met a ton of people since the planet of growth showed up in ...
Which of your career objectives mean the most to you? You don’t need to choose just one, but today, as growth-oriented Jupiter turns retrograde in your professional province, you’re due to ...
You’ve been broadening your horizons right and left since courageous Jupiter blasted into your ninth house of education, travel and exploration on May 25. And while this growth spurt has no ...
You’re ready to dial it down after growing in leaps and bounds since expansive Jupiter rocketed into your sign on May 25. Today, the red-spotted planet pivots retrograde and will remain in ...
Your ruler, boundless Jupiter, goes retrograde in your relationship realm today, allowing you to review the balance of give and take in your one-to-one connections between now and February 4 ...
Home is where your heart is while boundless Jupiter traipses through your domestic quarters. Between now and February 4, the red-spotted planet will be rolling retrograde, coaxing you to show your ...
Enjoy your curtain call, then exit stage left. Boundless Jupiter pivots retrograde in your glamorous fifth house today and won’t resume forward motion until February 4. You won’t lose your ...
Hedge your bets, Bull! Jupiter is turning retrograde in your fiscal zone until February 4, warning you against taking any costly chances. Open up that spreadsheet and get to work revising your ...
You’ve been a busy bee, with limitless Jupiter blazing a trail through your job zone since May 25. If you’ve taken on too much though, you might be in danger of burning out. With the red ...
You deserve some downtime, Cancer. As exploratory Jupiter goes retrograde in your cathartic twelfth house today, consider that your cue to retreat from the world—possibly to a tropical beach ...