The corals of the Marietas Islands, a pair of small islands in Mexico’s Pacific Ocean, have survived record-high temperatures ...
The species lives in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean, which NIWA scientist Brit Finucci said makes them difficult to ...
A team of oceanographers and marine biologists from the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center and Oregon State ...
The test of an intercontinental ballistic missile with a dummy warhead comes amid concerns over China's nuclear arsenal.
The ICBM carried a dummy warhead and fell into a designated area of the sea, the Defense Ministry said in a statement posted ...
A Russian-Chinese flotilla sailed toward the Northern Pacific Ocean on Monday while the United States deployed two warships ...
Test launch by PLA Rocket Force ‘achieves expected purpose’ and is a routine part of annual military training, Beijing said.
A group of six Tongan teenagers lived on the uninhabited island of 'Ata in the South Pacific for 15 months after becoming ...