'Brother Oleg' from the St. Elizabeth Monastery of the Moscow Patriarchate in Belarus signed a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense and is going to the 'special military operation'. This was ...
The Chief Rabbi of Ukraine said this in an interview with the Telegraph. “Russian propaganda is like that of the Nazis. I think if you look at the narratives of Nazi propaganda, they are practically ...
The Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus, Archbishop William Edward Lori of Baltimore, visited Kyiv and Bucha on October 19-20 as part of a visit to Ukraine. The purpose of the visit was to ...
On October 18, His Beatitude Sviatoslav solemnly handed over 30 volumes of the publishing series “Kyivan Christianity” to the Vatican Apostolic Library. This event brought together representatives of ...
This was stated by Metropolitan Yevstratiy (Zorya) of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine on television, Ukrinform reports. “The local structure of the Moscow Patriarchate is headed by Metropolitan ...
Today, on October 17, Vatican officials announced that the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, with the consent of the Synod, accepted the resignations of three ...
A collection of Holodomor-related works of art and books was transferred to the National Holodomor Museum by the heirs of the American philanthropist, President of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council ...
The vast majority of Ukrainians support the law approved in August banning the activities of certain religious organizations that have ties to and are dependent on Russia. This is evidenced by the ...
Archpriest Oleksandr Fedchuk of the Volyn Theological Seminary of the UOC-MP urges the clergy who consciously advocate unity with the Russian Orthodox Church to formalize their relations with the ...
Father Oleh Horbovskyi, a priest of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, spoke at the Ecumenical Social Week held at UCU on October 7-10 about his ministry in occupied Henichesk and his active ...
On October 13, as part of his pastoral visit to Sweden, the Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, visited the Archbishop of the Diocese of Stockholm, Cardinal Anders Arborelius. This was ...
У Білорусі Уповноважений у справах релігій Олександр Румак заявив, що релігійні організації не можуть критикувати державу: ...