The European Union is the second trade partner of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries ( the United Arab Emirates, ...
The Council today approved a declaration on fostering Jewish life and combating antisemitism.
The second meeting of the Accession Conference with Albania at ministerial level opened negotiations with Albania on Cluster ...
Kad naršymas Tarybos interneto svetainėje būtų kuo patogesnis, naudojame slapukus. Kai kurie slapukai naudojami suvestiniams statistiniams duomenims apie apsilankymus svetainėje gauti. Tai padeda mums ...
"Affaires économiques et financières", "Affaires étrangères", "Affaires générales", "Justice et affaires intérieures". Les travaux du Coreper (2e partie) sont ...
UNIFILin joukot ja muu henkilöstö, joissa on nykyisellään edustettuina 16 EU:n jäsenmaata, työskentelevät vaikeissa ...
The second meeting of the Accession Conference with Albania at ministerial level will be held in Luxembourg on 15 October ...
Taryba priėmė dvi naujas direktyvas, kuriomis sukuriama Europos asmens su negalia kortelė ir Europos asmens su negalia ...
EÚ ide v boji proti zmene klímy príkladom. Spoločne s financovaním z členských štátov je EÚ najväčším poskytovateľom ...
The Council today approved conclusions that will serve as the EU’s general negotiating position for COP29, the UN’s climate ...
UE conduce prin exemplul său în lupta împotriva schimbărilor climatice. Ținând seama de finanțarea combinată din partea ...