This announcement adds to the precautions already in place due to the “chronic and severe” shortages of food and fuel.
Less than a year ago, a similar incident occurred on flight SU/FV6927 of Rossiya Airlines between the Russian capital and the ...
The event took place in a context marked by severe shortages and food insecurity affecting a large portion of Cubans.
However, tourism has yet to reach pre-pandemic levels. Last week, the Cuban government revised and lowered its 2024 tourist ...
The legal director of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) stated that they will present the "values that support tourism policy, ...
The decrease amounts to half a million international travelers: the figure drops from 3.2 million tourists to 2.7 million.
According to the Russian Association of Tour Operators, the Spanish company offers services that allow tourists to "combine ...
El Observatorio Cubano de Conflictos (OCC) contó 855 protestas de diferente índole en septiembre, casi un 20% más que en ...
Roberto Carlos Cabrera Rodríguez padece foliculitis decalvante, una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica que provoca pérdida ...
En una entrevista con la revista estadounidense 'Newsweek' el canciller del régimen cubano volvió a presentar el sistema de la Isla, en crisis, como una alternativa.
¿Cómo, en medio de una crisis que se está llevando por delante a miles de personas por hambre y enfermedades curables, Miguel Díaz-Canel y Lis Cuesta justifican sus viajes?
Recientes declaraciones del subdirector del Instituto de Medicina Deportiva de Cuba, consideradas "transfóbicas", generaron ...