L’éco-anxiété n’est pas une maladie, mais une réaction émotionnelle adaptée, face aux enjeux environnementaux. Les jeunes et les groupes ayant peu de pouvoir dans la société sont les plus concernés.
A Senegalese politician was attacked during a conference that a Togolese opposition party held in Togo. This country is becoming increasingly intolerant of even the mildest form of public criticism.
Queensland Premier Steven Miles has floated the idea of holding a plebiscite on nuclear power the day of the next federal election ...
In a move that could reshape how Australians pay for everyday purchases, the federal government is preparing to ban businesses from slapping surcharges on debit card transactions. This plan, pending a ...
Written at a time when there were different norms around sexual morality, Plato’s Symposium is one of the principal sources of the Greek philosopher’s views on love and beauty.
As a response to ongoing challenges, the campaign aims to amplify the voices of those who call the Sahel home, and "tell a story of potential, resilience, and ingenuity." ...
Click to expand Image An illustration of the “Yordani”, a torture site within Nyarugenge and Rubavu prisons in Rwanda where detainees were forced into a tank filled with dirty water, submerged and ...
Click to expand Image Une illustration montrant « Yordani », site d’une forme de torture employée dans les prisons de Nyarugenge et Rubavu au Rwanda, où des détenus étaient forcés d'entrer dans un con ...
Electric vehicle giants BYD, Mitsubishi and Hyundai have scored the worst in a new human rights ranking of the industry conducted by Amnesty International. The study reveals how the world’s leading ...
Chaque année, des personnes du monde entier participent à la campagne Écrire pour les droits d’Amnesty International, qui montre qu’une « petite » action peut changer beaucoup de choses. Un peu de tem ...
Le peuple libanais, dont beaucoup ont été déplacés par l'offensive militaire israélienne dans le sud du pays, aspire massivement à la paix, a souligné lundi le Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies pour ...
The surrealists rejected traditional modes of understanding. They attempted to upend the established order of things by championing freedom and the unconscious mind.